
Friday 13 March 2015

Another good place to start - by Luke

To me, blogging has always seemed to be the reserve of middle-aged people with a high regard of their own opinions. That’s an opinion I used to highly regard until I decided to write part of this blog. Why? So that I can amuse myself by telling stories and flirting with language that expresses my crass real life humour without offending my Grandma who may or may not read this (she witnessed my use of the c-word once and I still cringe to this day).
What am I going to talk about? Stuff I like or hate with limited ground for the in-between such as pottery or basket weaving. I’d love to document the bikes and bikers I come across but taking unsolicited pictures of the Angels is a great way to end up in hospital and hospitals occupy the in-between area I just mentioned.
I’m going to drink beer in some of the best craft beer states of America. I am pretty good at it at the moment but I think there is always room for improvement. I’ll let you know what passes my lips and whether it occupies the like, don’t like or in-between areas of my palate. So devoted will I be to this exercise that I won’t be taking notes whilst consuming – drink-blogging is both dangerous and perilously boring – but I will update post-consumption, working on the assumption that if I am hungover I must have had a good time ergo, good beer.
I reckon we will be out and about a lot given that we will be living in a box on wheels so I shall be posting about our experience of living on the road and the places we visit. The aim is to wing it as much as possible, not because we are irresponsible but because we like the adventure of shit going wrong. Well, I do. My previous trips have been punctuated by disasters such as melted suitcases, trashed luggage, ripped pants, wrong trains and very ugly women – they were all excellent (the adventures, not the women).
I want to take a journey which is the envy of others. I want to wake up in some beautiful places and enjoy the fact that I am not getting up to trundle on my motorbike through the grey drizzle of London to a mediocre job and eat mediocre porridge whilst writing the day’s plans on my mediocre pad of paper with my mediocre pencil.
What do I expect to find? Quiet open spaces, epic landscapes, snow-peaked mountains looming over desert plateaus, endless forests and glass lakes teeming with wildlife. Equally I hope to find sticky dive bars with grungey backing tracks, cheap free-poured booze and lively locals with stories to tell.
Most of all I want to experience life’s ups and downs with the woman I love and the freedom to choose our own timetables, routes, cowboy hats, how we like our eggs and beer, especially beer.

Planning "must-dos" in Oregon.

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